
Following the death of her mother, an aspiring manga artist decides to travel from Japan to Cambodia along with her boyfriend. In a quest to find out more about the past her mother fled, she reunites with lost family. As she tries to find herself, her presence disturb dark rituals within the building. The residents are preparing a new sacrifice to calm the evil spirit, before it starts killing them once again.

    • Genre: Thriller
    • Director: Inrasothythep Neth, Sokyou Chea
    • Producer: Loy Te
    • Executive Producer: Michael Chai
    • Release Date: 2024


  • Production Company: Kongchak Pictures
  • DOP: Jeremiah Overman
  • Writer: Sokyou Chea, Inrasothythep Neth
  • Main Actor: Sveng Socheata, Rous Mony, Yoshihiko Hosoda
  • Sound Designer and Re-recording Mixer: Vincent Villa
  • Sound Editor Assistant and Mixer: Sreymoch Kim
  • Additional Sound Editor Assistant: Thana San